This year was the first summer I've performed for libraries in western Nebraska and I guess I did okay! I'm already booking libraries in the Panhandle for summer of 2019. So far, I'm in Alliance the afternoon of June 19th; Bayard the morning of the 20th and Morrill the afternoon of the 20th. There's still plenty of room for other libraries to join in! If you're in the Alliance area, I'd love to visit your library the morning of the 19th and I might be able to fit another library in early in the afternoon of the 20th if you're in the Scottsbluff area.
Remember, if you can partner with other libraries in your area to bring me in on the same day, I can offer all of you a great group discount. That doesn't just apply to libraries in the Panhandle, that also applies to Iowa libraries, South Dakota libraries, North Dakota libraries, Kansas libraries and libraries throughout the state of Nebraska.

If these early bookings are any indication, it's going to be a BUSY summer for me next year.