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Partnering With Other Libraries

Award-winning Magician, Jeff Quinn

If your library is in Northeast Nebraska or Southeast South Dakota, I've got a great deal for you! The Hartington, Nebraska Public Library is interested in having me do a show on Friday, July 13th (Yes, Friday the 13th) and they're looking for a few libraries to partner with them that day. By partnering with them on that day, I offer both libraries a great discount.

So many times I'll get a call or e-mail from a library hundreds of miles away asking what I'd charge to do a show at their library. Often times, the answer is an astronomical price.

There's a reason for that. If your library is 300 miles away from me, you're not just paying for the show. You're also paying for the 4+ hour drive each way, plus travel expenses like gas and lodging, There's simply no way I could charge a library that far away the same amount as the library down the street. But if you can partner with other libraries in your area, the price can go down dramatically.

Another possibility is that I could arrange a tour in your area. For several years, my library friends in North Dakota have arranged a tour for me in the summer. I take a week out of my summer to travel from one end of North Dakota to the other performing at libraries. With so many libraries booked in a short amount of time, I can still offer a decent rate even though I have to make a 7 hour drive (plus driving around the state) and pay for lodging and travel expenses.

So, if you don't think you can afford to bring my Summer Reading Program library magic show to your library, talk to some other libraries in your area and get in touch with me. I think you'll be amazed at the discounts I can offer you for multiple libraries in your area on the same day.

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