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You MUST Get This Book For Your Library!

Omaha Magician, Jeff Quinn

Alright, I'll admit that I'm a little biased about this recommendation. This book was written by my nephew, Marcus Sikora. I also want to be upfront about something else that really doesn't matter...but I think you should know. Marcus has Down Syndrom. Marcus told the story of "Black Day, The Monster Rock Band" to his mother, who is a gifted writer, and together they brought Marcus' story to life.

"Black Day, The Monster Rock Band" is a fun children's story on the surface. But if you look a little bit deeper, you'll find a story of acceptance, inclusion and friendship despite differences.

Noah Witchell's artwork is nothing short of beautiful. When I first saw the book, my jaw dropped open. Yes, it's just that good. But there's more. The book is being turned into an animated short film that I predict will be just as amazing as the book. And, considering the Halloween theme of the book, I think you'll find that "Black Day, The Monster Rock Band" would be extra-ideal for storytime readings in October.

You can find "Black Day, The Monster Rock Band on or at the Bookworm Book Store in Omaha. You can also order it at

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