Wow. It all started on May 20th in Carter Lake, Iowa and it's wrapping up next week in Gretna, Nebraska. 75 shows at 63 different libraries in 5 states. Am I exhausted? Yes, I am. But it's a good exhausted. This summer I've performed at libraries from Lexington, Nebraska to Mason City, Iowa and from Garrison, North Dakota to Sabetha, Kansas. During the Summer Reading Program season, I also took a cruise to Alaska and a visit to the Society of American Magicians convention in Philadelphia where I was proud to become the President-elect of this wonderful organization. To top it off, in two weeks I'm headed to Wisconsin for my oldest daughter's wedding.
Yes, it's a busy, busy summer. And I've loved every minute of it.
Here's a "heads up" for you. On October 2nd, I am going to be in the showcase at the Kansas Library Association/Missouri Library Association Joint Conference in Kansas City. I anticipate picking up several bookings for next summer. If there are any dates you ABSOLUTELY need to have me, I would highly recommend that you get in touch with me before then to secure your dates.
Also, please note that next summer I will be unavailable the week of July 11th.
Thanks to all of you for helping to make this my busiest Summer Reading Program EVER!