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No Presenter Fair For Eastern Nebraska Libraries!

Nebraska Library Magician, Jeff Quinn

I just received some disappointing news in my e-mail box. Due to staff limitations, the Three River Library System will not be including a Presenter Fair as part of their annual Summer Reading Workshop this fall. This means I won't have the opportunity to personally meet and greet librarians from 21 counties in Eastern and Northeastern Nebraska.

I've always looked forward to seeing my library friends at this workshop and I'm going to miss you. So, if you're a librarian in Antelope, Boone, Burt, Cass, Cedar, Colfax, Cuming, Dakota, Dixon, Dodge, Douglas, Knox, Madison, Nance, Pierce, Platte, Sarpy, Stanton, Thurston, Washington, or Wayne.County, you'll be getting some information on my new Summer Reading Program in a packet. I wish I could be there in person to tell you about the plans I have for next summer. I'd also like to hear what you thought about this summer's show.

Hopefully, even though I'm going to be out of sight, I hope I'm not out of mind when you start looking for great entertainment for your Summer Reading Program.

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