Two days ago, the final piece of my Summer Reading Program magic show arrived...from Hong Kong! And I have you to thank for it. So many of you have booked me for your Summer Reading Programs that it's allowed me to do a couple of extra-special things. This package contains just one of those "extra-special things."
I received another package about two weeks ago. Well, actually, it was two packages and they fall into the same category. They contain something special that I think you're going to like. And I can honestly say that these two packages allow me to do something for your library that no other magician on Earth can do for you. Do I have your curiosity aroused? Believe me, I REALLY want to tell you all about it, but that would spoil the surprise.
I'm less than one week away from kicking off my Summer Reading Program at the Carter Lake Library in Carter Lake, Iowa and teh Wayne Public Library in Wayne, Nebraska on May 20th. After that it's 2-1/2 months of library shows mixed in with a couple of fairs and festivals, child care facilities, summer school activities and corporate events. There's also an Alaskan Cruise and a trip to Philadelphia thrown in, too.
It's going to be a wild summer...I can't wait.