Every now and then something wonderfully weird happens. I've just finished my swing through Western Nebraska where I performed at libraries in Hastings, Harrison, Chadron, Hay Springs, Crawford, Morrill and Sidney. But it was in Bayard where something memorable happened.
It was my first show of the day at 10 a.m. and it was an outdoor show. Usually I am less-than-enthusiastic about doing outdoor shows in the summer because of the hear, but it was a pretty pleasant day, so I didn't mind.
Neither did Daisy.
Daisy can best be described as The Town Dog. She just sort of "showed up" and greeted everyone who showed up for the show. She was the definition of "friendly".
Well, the show went well. Everyone had a great time and then it was time for me to pack everything away in my van to head off to my next show. Daisy wanted to supervise, so she invited herself into my van to check things out and make sure I was doing things properly. Once she was satisfied, she jumped out of my van and headed off to her next duty.